Posts in Angel Messages
July Akashic Magic: Revolutions

The first thing that I saw when I opened the Records for July of 2023, was a sense of revolving wheel.

And it was spinning really fast like a tire revolving, and I saw the word ‘revolutions’.  

I also had this sense of a calendar page turning, and I saw the card 10 in the tarot deck, the wheel of fortune, and I kept seeing multiple shapes and images of Zodiac wheels, calendar wheels and motion.

There was this sense of moving into a new cycle, and a turning of the wheel…

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March Akashic Magic: Point of View

As I opened the Records and felt the energy this month, it was this juxtaposition of movement.

And I saw being in a simulator ride, and the ride and the seats move you back and forth and up and down. And it's designed to make you feel like you're experiencing that. In reality, you're just in this little simulator.

And so there was this sense of movement and things happening around us. And yet at the same time focusing on the individual who is like “I'm just on a ride right now, I'm buckled into my seat, I am fine”…

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August 2021 Akashic Magic: The Great Reshuffle

As I was opening the records for August 2021, two distinct images came to mind that had a lot of similarities—

The first one was seeing a chessboard, where a chess game was already in play, and I saw this hand come sweeping down - it swept all the pieces to the ground, picked them up and started redistributing the pieces, resetting them and reorganizing the game.

And the words that are coming with that are ‘reshuffling’ and ‘reorganization’…

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Messages from Spirit: Clear Air

You can hold both challenge and cheer within you. Sorrow and joy. Bliss and despair.

It is not one of the other, but allowing for both, that helps you make a choice in the direction you want to move.

And that is the guidance we bring you this month—

Which emotional state will you own? Which direction will you point yourself? Which way will you choose?

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Messages from Spirit: Sacred Individuality

Your individuality is a sacred thing—given to you to support your life path and express the aspect of the divine in you, in the most joyful way possible.

Yes. We said joyful and we use this word with intention since we know many of you are products of living through a time that has experienced great karmic heaviness and energetic density.

That was then. And this is Now. And we tell you that things are lightening up now...

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Messages from Spirit: Rainbow Vision

Each of you is learning to read the book of yourself in brighter ways.

You are seeing more clearly. You are seeing with increased knowing.

You are seeing with rainbow vision that allows you to examine and discover a fuller scope of self as you move way from paler, imitations of who you thought you were, and move into a more vibrant experience of living…

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Messages from Spirit: The Playful Mind

Have fun with it. Try not to take yourselves so seriously and it will be easier on you.

It is harder to get through to the serious mind, because the serious mind has a tendency to overthink and feel that have to get it right, which closes you off to your natural receptivity.

But the playful mind delights in curiosity. Like a small child looking at the world anew…

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Messages from Spirit: How Truth Feels

Hold the vision.

Hold the vision of what you’d like to see in your lives and in your world at this time. Even if you don’t know how it will happen—hold it anyways.

That is what having faith is all about. To believe without seeing. To trust what you’re sensing…

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Messages from Spirit: The Ground Up

Though we know it may appear chaos is swirling around you—trust that the soul of your planet, your world, and your country still lays intact.

What is happening right now is necessary change that may feel painful to you from a human perspective.

So, feel the pain. Let your heart’s break. You learn to move through this world whole and intact by allowing the light to shine through your cracks…

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Messages from Spirit: Shine True

Community of light— We see you. We support you. We are so proud of the work you’ve done this year.

Though trial and challenge you’ve triumphed, and you’ve seeded the light in new ways, creating new patterns in the energetic gridwork so more light can come onto your planet at this time.

You discovered love in unexpected places that seemed dark until you learned to turn on the lights and look around you with greater clarity and awareness of your interconnection…

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Message from Spirit: A Trail of Light

Like a trail of lights, your hearts have lit a year that we know has been challenging for you.

Like a candle in the darkness, your faith has held the flame of hope on your planet at this time.

Like a rose in winter, many of you found ways to blossom anyways under unexpected conditions…

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Messages from Spirit: A New Light

Your state of happiness is of your choosing. Your state of gratitude is of your choosing.

Your heart’s condition is of your choosing. We say this not to disempower you, but to empower you to greater choice.

We say this not to chastise you for the times you feel bad, but to reassure you that you can build a joyful heart and create that energy within yourself, even as you allow for difficult feelings to flow through…

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Messages from Spirit: Return to The Core

You have been preparing for this for lifetimes.

Seeding the light. Traveling the way of the pilgrim. Journeying to your planet in service to a higher good.

Now here you are. This is your time. This is your time when the collective fruits of your endeavors will begin to bring in a harvest of wealth…

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Messages from Spirit: Your Capacity For Light

Each of one of you may be experiencing some degree of fear right now.

Some degree of uncertainty. Some degree of questioning bout the course you see your world taking—

What if we told you it was safe to trust? In your personal spiritual connection. In your own heart. In your connection to All That Is…

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Messages from Spirit: Shine Your Light

Your light is so much more than your troubles. Your being is so much more than your troubles. Your essence is so much more than your troubles.

Don’t forget that each of you, at your core, is a divine wise being of light. Each of you has so much more to offer the world than you often give yourselves credit for.

Each of you has a unique light, a unique essence and expression solely your own. You are part of the greater light and you are also here to shine in only the way you can shine.

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Turning Point: A Solstice Message

A special message from the angles for solstice 2019.

The energy of Solstice 2019 is characterized by a turning point.

It is a time of retreat, stillness and rest in the Northern hemispheres, and light and movement in the Southern. But for all of humanity, the common theme is choices and moving in a direction that continues to align you with what you already know.

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