Messages from Spirit: The Ground Up


About these messages…

Whenever I lead a group in a heart activation and guided visualization, I always end our meditative time with a message from spirit. Messages that come to me through my intuitive channel specific for each group.

Over time, I have begun to see that while each message is specific to the group, the messages are also creating a greater arc of direction and guidance for the whole of us. I choose to re-share these messages on my blog, so others can also benefit from the beautiful truth, light, and wisdom that comes through.

This message is from a healing circle I led on 1.7.21 and was channeled in response to the 1.6.21 assault on the Capitol. I hope you also find these words illuminating for your path.

Though we know it may appear chaos is swirling around you—trust that the soul of your planet, your world, and your country still lays intact.

What is happening right now is necessary change that may feel painful to you from a human perspective.

So, feel the pain. Let your heart’s break. You learn to move through this world whole and intact by allowing the light to shine through your cracks.

And the light is indeed shining—for you are the light and your response of dismay, concern and care is also a reflection of your ability to help heal your world through becoming an agent of change.

Each of you, no matter who you are or where you are, whether or not you see yourself as a change agent—is capable of what we encourage you to do right now.

Be a changemaker for love.

Align your actions with the highest accord of love.

Allow your hearts to break, then quicken their strength and their innate goodness by holding the vision of what you want to see in this world.

A vision of hope. Of truth. Of beauty. Of justice.

Remember you would not be on your planet at this point in time if you were not equipped and supported in holding the vision.

For today, for now, in this moment that is enough. It is enough to allow for the vision of a better way.

Allow yourselves to grieve. And morn. To see through the separation of illusion and hold space for the greater way of love.

Open your hearts and receive the energy of peace, upliftment and support flowing through for all of you as a collective and from your individual angels and guides.

Allow for hope to flow to you now and know—

Each of you is capable of helping build a new earth from the ground up, with love.

Looking for more messages from Spirit? Here you go! Just click HERE.

Looking to grow your own connection with Spirit? I’d love to have you join my free monthly letter Akashic Magic~ a unique offering I created to share the wisdom and guidance of the Akashic Records with other spiritual seekers on the path. Learn More Here.

In hope, peace & magic,
