Posts tagged channeled messages
Messages from Spirit: Rainbow Vision

Each of you is learning to read the book of yourself in brighter ways.

You are seeing more clearly. You are seeing with increased knowing.

You are seeing with rainbow vision that allows you to examine and discover a fuller scope of self as you move way from paler, imitations of who you thought you were, and move into a more vibrant experience of living…

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February Akashic Magic: Hearts Wide Open

“Hearts wide open” is the first phrase that I heard while opening the records, and I paused at it because that line is part of the prayer I say to open the records.

And I saw hearts literally opening up and wanting to expand, as I was saying the prayer, which has never happened to me before. When I asked for an image just now I saw that image again. Hearts wide open. Opening your hearts.

This is a month of expansion...

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Understanding The Akashic Records: A Channeling from The Akashic Records

The following is a transcription and audio channeling from the Akashic Records about the Akashic Records.

As my understanding of my soul purpose has shifted and grown, I have felt an increasing desire to share the wisdom of spirit with others through the Akashic Records, which help bring higher consciousness to light, so we can live with more peace, ease and clarity…

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Messages from Spirit: How Truth Feels

Hold the vision.

Hold the vision of what you’d like to see in your lives and in your world at this time. Even if you don’t know how it will happen—hold it anyways.

That is what having faith is all about. To believe without seeing. To trust what you’re sensing…

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Messages from Spirit: The Ground Up

Though we know it may appear chaos is swirling around you—trust that the soul of your planet, your world, and your country still lays intact.

What is happening right now is necessary change that may feel painful to you from a human perspective.

So, feel the pain. Let your heart’s break. You learn to move through this world whole and intact by allowing the light to shine through your cracks…

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Messages from Spirit: Shine True

Community of light— We see you. We support you. We are so proud of the work you’ve done this year.

Though trial and challenge you’ve triumphed, and you’ve seeded the light in new ways, creating new patterns in the energetic gridwork so more light can come onto your planet at this time.

You discovered love in unexpected places that seemed dark until you learned to turn on the lights and look around you with greater clarity and awareness of your interconnection…

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Messages from Spirit: A New Light

Your state of happiness is of your choosing. Your state of gratitude is of your choosing.

Your heart’s condition is of your choosing. We say this not to disempower you, but to empower you to greater choice.

We say this not to chastise you for the times you feel bad, but to reassure you that you can build a joyful heart and create that energy within yourself, even as you allow for difficult feelings to flow through…

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Messages from Spirit: Your Capacity For Light

Each of one of you may be experiencing some degree of fear right now.

Some degree of uncertainty. Some degree of questioning bout the course you see your world taking—

What if we told you it was safe to trust? In your personal spiritual connection. In your own heart. In your connection to All That Is…

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