Posts tagged higher consciousness
September Akashic Magic: Grounded Actions, Strategic Steps

“All systems go” is what I'm hearing. And there is a sense that with that, there have been many shifts and changes for many of those listening to this throughout the year of 2023.

And I'm almost seeing these images of columns, like if it was a graphic in a video game, or something like that - it's like it’s coming through like Tetris, and you have been trying to stack blocks or do something in a way that adds up. And all of a sudden, all this space is cleared -

I'm feeling a sense of breakthrough coming through…

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July Akashic Magic: Revolutions

The first thing that I saw when I opened the Records for July of 2023, was a sense of revolving wheel.

And it was spinning really fast like a tire revolving, and I saw the word ‘revolutions’.  

I also had this sense of a calendar page turning, and I saw the card 10 in the tarot deck, the wheel of fortune, and I kept seeing multiple shapes and images of Zodiac wheels, calendar wheels and motion.

There was this sense of moving into a new cycle, and a turning of the wheel…

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May Akashic Magic: Earth Movement, Personal Power

This feels like a month of quite a bit of movement. And what I was seeing as the Records opened was a sense of the earth shifting below our feet.

And almost as if the earth shifted, or a cartoon-type tidal wave - I saw this as a cartoon - kind of picks us up, we're in the ocean, and it moves us somewhere, and I saw us being safely deposited to the shore.

There was a sense of being picked up and carried and deposited and finding ourselves on new ground. And the words that came through for the month of May (that followed those images) were “Earth movement”…

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February Akashic Magic: Clean Breeze

The records opened this month with very similar imagery; the first thing I saw was someone sniffing a mint leaf and the distinct taste of mint came through.

The next thing I saw was an orange and a lemon being cut open, with somebody inhaling that fresh scent that comes from citrus fruits.

And the last image I saw was very similar - it was somebody standing by the ocean, and again, had their chin lifted and breathing in that ocean scent.

The words that came through were ‘clean breeze’….

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January Akashic Magic: Down to Earth

As I was opening the Records for January 2022 - the first thing I saw was as if a monster truck was up on its two back wheels, and it came back down to the Earth with this really resounding thud.

And then that was followed by a picture of being on a ride at the carnival or the fair, where you are sailing, sailing, sailing through the air - and it slows down and you come back down to the ground, so that you can exit, and step out safely.

And there is very much a sense of groundedness and focusing on being grounded…

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August 2021 Akashic Magic: The Great Reshuffle

As I was opening the records for August 2021, two distinct images came to mind that had a lot of similarities—

The first one was seeing a chessboard, where a chess game was already in play, and I saw this hand come sweeping down - it swept all the pieces to the ground, picked them up and started redistributing the pieces, resetting them and reorganizing the game.

And the words that are coming with that are ‘reshuffling’ and ‘reorganization’…

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We Are The Revolution: Choosing Love One Act at a Time

Choose love.

It is the only choice you will make that will change your life for the better forever, because love is the origin of every good thing. And so, each time we choose love, we open ourselves up to that nucleus of goodness; everything else beautiful flows from there.

Learn to embody love’s universal energy inside of yourself; wrap it around you like a psychic shield which gently radiates presence and protection wherever you go…

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Messages from Spirit: Clear Air

You can hold both challenge and cheer within you. Sorrow and joy. Bliss and despair.

It is not one of the other, but allowing for both, that helps you make a choice in the direction you want to move.

And that is the guidance we bring you this month—

Which emotional state will you own? Which direction will you point yourself? Which way will you choose?

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March Akashic Magic: New Dawn of Consciousness

As I was entering the records- the mental image that was rising in my mind was of the sun rising at dawn, as if you were staring out at the ocean or the mountains and you could see the sun was coming up.

That was the opening image that the energy anchored in to…

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Akashic Records 101

The Akashic Records.

What the heck are they? How can we better understand their wisdom? How did I even hear about them and wander into them and become a channel for these messages?

Great questions. Here’s a few answers in this tiny 101 survey course that I wrote to help make the records feel more approachable, understandable, and accessible for us all…

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February Akashic Magic: Hearts Wide Open

“Hearts wide open” is the first phrase that I heard while opening the records, and I paused at it because that line is part of the prayer I say to open the records.

And I saw hearts literally opening up and wanting to expand, as I was saying the prayer, which has never happened to me before. When I asked for an image just now I saw that image again. Hearts wide open. Opening your hearts.

This is a month of expansion...

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Understanding The Akashic Records: A Channeling from The Akashic Records

The following is a transcription and audio channeling from the Akashic Records about the Akashic Records.

As my understanding of my soul purpose has shifted and grown, I have felt an increasing desire to share the wisdom of spirit with others through the Akashic Records, which help bring higher consciousness to light, so we can live with more peace, ease and clarity…

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It Begins In You: A Prose of Encouragement

Each day is yours to take and make.

I know it doesn’t always feel this way. I know it’s hard sometimes. I know the struggle is real. I struggle too.

And yet I also know there is so much beauty when we take the time to find our rose colored glasses and notice all the places our world is painted in color.

There is good happening when we cultivate good by finding the joy that exists.

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