Approaching the New Year With Grace

I believe a new year is best approached with a lot of grace— grace for our processes, grace for each other, grace for all the things that feel done and complete from the previous year, and grace for all that still feel undone and a work in progress.

Resolutions, intentions, and visions can be beautiful, pointing us in the direction we wish to go. But they can also feel like added pressure and a setup for failure if it’s not the right season in life or we are not in a space to follow through…

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January Akashic Update: New Pathways

As I was opening the records, I was seeing different imagery of circuitry rerouting and rewiring itself. I also saw an image of Pac-Man, the video game, where it is going through this maze and trying to eat the pellets and trying out all these different pathways.

And I was seeing a representation of the neural networks in a brain, in a human brain, and I was seeing them lighting up and in the process of rewiring themselves.

The words that go along with that that came through for January are the words new pathways, and there was very much a sense that the new year is opening with this very active energy of things being rewired and this feels both individual and it also feels collective…

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Reordering My Heart: December Reflections

Something I’ve increasingly noticed over the past few years is a calling to turn inward come December.

As the sun rises a little later and the ocean crashes with more ferocity at night, I feel a soulful need to take inventory, reflect, and close things out as the end of the year draws near, as if I’m clearing space from my inner worktable of psyche and soul.

Sometimes, I make lists in my journal, going month by month or grouping things by quarter and writing down the major themes, occurrences, and lessons. It’s my way of putting a mile marker on my journal page and acknowledging, “I was here..”

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December Akashic Magic: Perpetuation of Knowledge

December of 2024, as I was opening the records, the images that I saw were ones of like a university, and it was coming through in my mind, like Rome or Greece or something more ancient, and this idea of being in a university town.

And young students who were sitting on the steps, and they were learning from a philosopher, like Socrates or some great teacher who was renowned for their knowledge in that day.

With those images came two different phrases; one of them was ‘the imparting of knowledge,’ and the other one was the ‘perpetuation of wisdom...’

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November Akashic Magic: Focus on The Light

As I was opening the records, I was seeing all sorts of imagery of broken pottery, broken vases, and I saw a very specific image of a vase that had been filled with liquid gold wherever the cracks were.

And that idea of the Japanese Kintsugi art— of taking something broken and using gold to reassemble it, and I also had a sense of light shining through the cracks. There was a lot of energy around this idea of focusing on the gold, the light and where that might be shining through something that looks broken.

The emphasis was on focusing on things coming together, being put together in a bigger way…

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Moon Magic and Self Discovery in October: podcast cliff notes
Ever wondered how the cosmos might shape your personal transformation?

In the latest episode of Your Heart Magic, we delve into the celestial influences of October, focusing on the new moon eclipse in Libra and its profound effects on our lives. This month promises a journey of clarity, self-awareness, and personal growth as we navigate the shifting energies of the cosmos.

The episode begins with an energy update for October, highlighting the transformative power of the new moon eclipse in Libra. Vivid metaphors are utilized to explain the effects of this celestial event. Imagine a glass of water being shaken to reveal impurities; this is how eclipse energy works, bringing hidden aspects of our lives to the surface for examination and release. By doing so, we achieve greater clarity and self-awareness.

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October Akashic Magic: Terra Firma

October of 2024: as I was opening the records, I was seeing multiple images of different kinds of land, and a very specific image that my mind's eye honed in on is a memory from a movie called "Gravity."

It is towards the end of the movie there is a space pod hurtling back down to earth, and it lands in the water, and the ending scene is the lead character getting out and getting into the water and then moving onto the land for the first time.

It's a deeply symbolic movie, and that is what I what I saw in my mind's eye as I opened the records—images of somebody taking their first steps after a voyage, and they have arrived on new ground.

And I saw the words terra firma, solid ground, firm ground...

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September Akashic Magic: Distilling Truth

September of 2024— as I was opening the records for this month, I immediately saw stacks and stacks of different kinds of items.

The first image that I saw was stacks of various papers and things that are stacked up on a desk, reaching like really, really high that need to be sorted through.

There was a sense of sifting and sorting and organizing and planning that came with that.

It feels like this is a month when we are going to be invited into looking at things in greater detail and really studying things closely.

The words that are coming through that go with these images for the month of September are “distilling truth.”...

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August Akashic Magic: Magic in the Chaos

As I was opening the records, I immediately had an image of a tilt-a-whirl type of ride at the State Fair, and that quickly shifted into an image of a merry-go-round on the playground that wasn't just spinning, but it was attached to a spring, so it was also tilting back and forth. 

There was this overall sensation of feeling disoriented and having a difficult time keeping our balance; if somebody was on that ride, they might feel really spun around.

But what I saw was so beautiful - because at first I saw somebody just trying to stand and find some form of equilibrium, and that completely shifting, spinning, disorienting, up and back and forth energy. And then I just saw them sit down, like if they sat down and held on to the nearest bar or the nearest pole, they would find much more balance and so much more equilibrium, even if things were spinning around them. 

And as I was having all that imagery come through, I clearly saw two phrases come to mind, and these words flashed in my mind's eye; the first one was “anchor and the chaos”, and the second one was “sovereignty of magic”.

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July Akashic Magic: Beginnings and Regeneration

As I was opening the Records, I very clearly saw the word ‘regeneration’, and I saw an image of a tree that was struck by lightning or something happened, set on fire, and it had been destroyed. It was charred, and there was no new growth on it. And I watched this image where it went into a nighttime scene, and it was feeling like time had passed, and when the sun came, the tree had regenerated itself.

There was this sense of this magical, miraculous life that grew in the night. As if we wake up feeling like a brand new person, or we just had this up leveling or glow up of energy, and it felt like—

“Ah, it's a brand new day! I can do anything”. And there was this huge energetic shift….

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June Akashic Magic: All Clear. New Cycle.

So, June of 2024 opened with an image where I saw somebody who had been standing in line - as if they embarked from a plane and they were waiting at the passport line to have a person look at their passport and give them clearance to let them go into this new country. 

What the image focused on was seeing this big stamp go down, and I heard this loud stamping, and the person said “all clear, you're free to go”.

That was also followed by an image where I saw somebody who had been waiting in line at customs if they had been driving or at the border of a country. Again, it was that same idea of giving somebody your passport and identification, having them look it over, and saying, “You’re free to go,” here's the go ahead.”

There was a sense of movement and moving into a new chapter or a new phase…

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May Akashic Magic: Comfort and Healing

May of 2024, the Akashic Records opened with some interesting images this month.

First, I heard the dinging of an oven in my mind and I had an image of freshly baked rolls coming out of the oven. And it was this really homey kitchen dinner was on the table. There was this feeling right about when you're going to sit down for a really good meal. And it was great outside.

So it felt very warm and very cozy. And the energy itself felt grounded. It felt comforting. There was a sense of consolation and healing and just coming into this beautiful grounded energy…

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April Akashic Magic: Look Up

The Records opened for the month of April with a sense of everybody gazing upwards. And this came through and multiple ways. 

First, I saw a big starry sky, and I saw someone standing and they were looking up. Then I saw an air show, and there were all these planes in the sky. And they were doing loops and tricks. And again, everybody in the audience had their gaze captured upwards.

And I saw the words “look up” and very much had a sense of upward motion, and stars and being drawn towards things that feel higher and more spiritual, intuitive and awe inspiring this month. 

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March Akashic Magic: What Is To Come

March of 2024, the Records opened with the sound of ice breaking.

And what I saw was an image of thick ice that had cracked, and there was a gap and there was water flowing below. The focus was on the water - not so much on the breaking - it was on what was underneath the surface. 

And the energy around all of this was very much on what has been going on underneath the surface, and seeing with more clarity, the transformation in some of the metamorphosis that has been taking place…

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February Akashic Magic: Energy Boost

All right, February of 2020 already feels like a burst of fresh energy. And as I was opening the Records, I had several images coming all at once. 

The first one was somebody biting into like a really juicy and tangy orange. And it was really refreshing, like, on a hot day, or when you're really thirsty or something like that. And it just hits the spot. 

And I also had a sense of like a clean breeze coming through, I had a lot of of energy, almost like a big shot of vitamin C or something like that, something that revitalizes somebody, and I had an image of sea salt, air and ocean waves. 

And the focus of the imagery was really on the senses with a sense of inspiration and a sense of like an energy boost…

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Out With the Old, In With the New: Journaling Prompts and Perspectives on Cyclical Living

We all know the old saying when one door closes, another one opens.

But the process of what happens between an ending and beginning might not always feel so simple.

While the title of this blog is meant as a playful nod to the freshness of the new year and the blank page feels of January, it’s not quite accurate when it comes to matters of personal growth.

“Transforming the Old, Creating the New, and Integrating All that Falls In Between,” would be a more apt, but rather wordy designation of this article.

That is what cyclical living is truly about: embracing the fact that we live in a world of constant change and dynamic movement where life is in a perpetual state of transformation and creation mixed with a lot of integration in between…

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January Akashic Magic: The Lay of The Land

All right, January of 2024 -  as I was opening the Records, I had a convergence of images that was happening at once.

And the first one was almost like if trumpets were announcing somebody, and this red carpet was being rolled out. And everybody was staring like, “what's going to happen?, what's going to come? who's going to be walking down that red carpet?”, so there was this sense of anticipation. 

And the last one I saw felt like a metaphor of the story of Noah and the Ark. I think after the rain stops, and things got really quiet, they see like a dove coming with a sprig meaning that land is nearby, and there's a rainbow.

And I saw this sense of calming after the storm, and the energy felt anticipatory…

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Self-Care During the Holiday Season (a gentle perspective shift)

If there’s something about this season that doesn’t work for you, then gently think about how you could create your own forms of magic, reverence, and meaning this December.

How can you be a good friend to yourself and witness your journey? How might you create your own ritual or tradition around whatever holds meaning for you? How might you set a monthly intention that resonates with the visions you hold in your heart?

Small moments of meaning create a bigger composition of living in a way that feels authentic, real, and true to ourselves, and that is always meaningful...”

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December Akashic Magic: Celebrate and Be Upheld

December of 2023, the Records opened with so many different positive images that were coming through. 

First, I saw someone laying in a hammock that was strong up between two palm trees, and it was just gently swaying in the breeze. And there was a sense of a lull in energy, a sense of being held, and a sense of being supported that came with that. 

And I also had a sense of Safari vacation holiday with this energy of having an adventure. And I saw the words “write your own adventure, choose your own adventure, writing a new chapter” and an image of somebody with binoculars and a backpack on their back.

There was this really fun; a delightful sense of Safari-type energy and adventure, and it feels really positive...

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Got Gratitude? (a few ideas for cultivating appreciation)

We often think of November as a month to focus on being grateful.

Many of us celebrate Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving and the beginning of the holiday season with the intention to gather together with gratitude in our hearts and appreciation for the abundance in our lives.

As we move into the holidays, we are presented with many opportunities to slow down, reflect, appreciate life’s gifts, and tap into the energy of gratitude in our lives.

It can be hard though—the gratitude thing. I often think that despite our best intentions, it’s easy to fall out of gratitude and into focusing on stress, all that feels wrong in the world, and whatever we feel is lacking in our lives…

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