Posts tagged cycles
Out With the Old, In With the New: Journaling Prompts and Perspectives on Cyclical Living

We all know the old saying when one door closes, another one opens.

But the process of what happens between an ending and beginning might not always feel so simple.

While the title of this blog is meant as a playful nod to the freshness of the new year and the blank page feels of January, it’s not quite accurate when it comes to matters of personal growth.

“Transforming the Old, Creating the New, and Integrating All that Falls In Between,” would be a more apt, but rather wordy designation of this article.

That is what cyclical living is truly about: embracing the fact that we live in a world of constant change and dynamic movement where life is in a perpetual state of transformation and creation mixed with a lot of integration in between…

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Darkness Is Magic Too

People often say, “let it go, move forwards, it’s time to put the past behind you, all we have is now.”

But it is my observation this can be hard to do when the past continues to creep into our “now” like vines of ivy stealthily twining themselves around the present moment if we aren’t vigilant about trimming them back.

Layers of grief, trauma, and ancient history from previous heart cycles and incarnations of self like to burrow into the recesses of our psyche…

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