Posts tagged self-growth
Out With the Old, In With the New: Journaling Prompts and Perspectives on Cyclical Living

We all know the old saying when one door closes, another one opens.

But the process of what happens between an ending and beginning might not always feel so simple.

While the title of this blog is meant as a playful nod to the freshness of the new year and the blank page feels of January, it’s not quite accurate when it comes to matters of personal growth.

“Transforming the Old, Creating the New, and Integrating All that Falls In Between,” would be a more apt, but rather wordy designation of this article.

That is what cyclical living is truly about: embracing the fact that we live in a world of constant change and dynamic movement where life is in a perpetual state of transformation and creation mixed with a lot of integration in between…

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Grace, Growth and Gratitude: lessons on the journey

It’s a cooler day on the island and I’ve found myself in a varied place as we step through November.

Busy with responsibilities, in a way that feels productive and kind. Thoughtful with reflection, as I begin to do what I always do around this time each year –

Slowly take stock of what the past eleven months have brought and contemplate the changes rendered as we begin the initial stages of descent drawing us closer to the conclusion of another calendar year.

Truth be told, I haven’t always liked the lessons the past couple of years have brought, but I am trying to embrace and integrate them, so I can move forward with the wisdom learned…

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The Red Paint of Reinvention: permission to redefine ourselves

Seems like I blinked and summer was almost gone.

June and July melted into a buttered blur or moving into our new home, decorating aforementioned new home, and allowing space for renewal, retreat, and respite after a difficult spring leading up to the move.

During this time I’ve painted the hallway green, hung pictures with precision and artful care, and sat in our yard, watching the sky turn from blue to orange each night at sunset…

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Purpose it To Love: Finding the Light in Challenge

Life went and did it to me again this past season – broke my heart that is. Not in the capital H Heartbreak kind of way, but more of the lowercase variety, which has reminded me that smaller heartbreaks can also be painful.

I’ve struggled to find the light quite a few times this last season.

It’s not the first time I’ve struggled, and I know it won’t be the last, but I do know from previous incarnations of struggling that if we can just stick with ourselves and stay with our process, a time will come where the light begins to break through…

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Darkness Is Magic Too

People often say, “let it go, move forwards, it’s time to put the past behind you, all we have is now.”

But it is my observation this can be hard to do when the past continues to creep into our “now” like vines of ivy stealthily twining themselves around the present moment if we aren’t vigilant about trimming them back.

Layers of grief, trauma, and ancient history from previous heart cycles and incarnations of self like to burrow into the recesses of our psyche…

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Happiness Is The Act of Being Whole

Back in January I chose 'Happiness' as the theme I wanted to learn about and grow in 2020.

Each year I choose a word or phrase whose essence and energy I'd like to better know and understand. Then as the year goes on, I begin to see what the word has to teach me, which always shows up in unexpected ways— sometimes rewriting my definition and understanding of the word entirely.

For example, I once chose “Peaceful Heart” with the intent that my life be drama free and heart healing after a previous year fraught with transition and heartache…

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