Posts tagged challenge
May Akashic Magic: Metamorphosis

As the Records were opening, the first thing I saw was a picture of a beautiful glittering diamond.

And I saw this process that a diamond goes through to form under tremendous amounts of pressure.

And there was very much the energy that that's a metaphor for the month of May: that diamonds are gems that are often formed under a sense of pressure, they’re formed sometimes in the darkness, they're formed under natural conditions that apply pressure, and invite us to transmutation. And on the heels of those images, I also saw a butterfly…

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Purpose it To Love: Finding the Light in Challenge

Life went and did it to me again this past season – broke my heart that is. Not in the capital H Heartbreak kind of way, but more of the lowercase variety, which has reminded me that smaller heartbreaks can also be painful.

I’ve struggled to find the light quite a few times this last season.

It’s not the first time I’ve struggled, and I know it won’t be the last, but I do know from previous incarnations of struggling that if we can just stick with ourselves and stay with our process, a time will come where the light begins to break through…

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