Posts tagged intuitive psychologist
January Akashic Magic: Ready to Go

As I was opening the Records, I immediately saw an image of a burst of butterflies flying free in the air, like they had been released all at once.

And there was this sense of momentum - and a sense of the Records themselves - as if they couldn't wait to tell us what is in store for us for January of 2023 and the overall energy of the year of 2023.

And that felt like it echoes the energy of the month, because I saw the word's 'hit the ground running' come up. And I'm seeing right now 'ready to be released, ready to go'…

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April Akashic Magic: The Quickening

As I was opening the records, I had multiple images coming up, and they were coming rather quickly. And that resonates with the energy this month because I felt a sense of quickening of the energy, it almost had a cheerful quality to it.

And it felt like things might be speeding up.

And the images that I saw were of a bird flying high in the sky. And then I saw a picture of ships coming in and out of a harbor, where there was a sense of busyness and a sense of things kind of bustling and humming along…

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February Akashic Magic: Clean Breeze

The records opened this month with very similar imagery; the first thing I saw was someone sniffing a mint leaf and the distinct taste of mint came through.

The next thing I saw was an orange and a lemon being cut open, with somebody inhaling that fresh scent that comes from citrus fruits.

And the last image I saw was very similar - it was somebody standing by the ocean, and again, had their chin lifted and breathing in that ocean scent.

The words that came through were ‘clean breeze’….

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Purpose it To Love: Finding the Light in Challenge

Life went and did it to me again this past season – broke my heart that is. Not in the capital H Heartbreak kind of way, but more of the lowercase variety, which has reminded me that smaller heartbreaks can also be painful.

I’ve struggled to find the light quite a few times this last season.

It’s not the first time I’ve struggled, and I know it won’t be the last, but I do know from previous incarnations of struggling that if we can just stick with ourselves and stay with our process, a time will come where the light begins to break through…

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May 2021 Akashic Magic: Progress on The Path

The records opened with the words this month: “which road will you choose?”.

And I saw an image instantly that came with that; it was very playful! I saw a family that was in a minivan or a camper, and they were on a road trip, in the woods, going to a destination.

I heard - if a little kid was sitting in the back - “are we there yet? We’ve been going so long!”. So, there was a sense that some of us might be feeling that right now in our individual journeys…

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Messages from Spirit: The Playful Mind

Have fun with it. Try not to take yourselves so seriously and it will be easier on you.

It is harder to get through to the serious mind, because the serious mind has a tendency to overthink and feel that have to get it right, which closes you off to your natural receptivity.

But the playful mind delights in curiosity. Like a small child looking at the world anew…

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Messages from Spirit: Shine True

Community of light— We see you. We support you. We are so proud of the work you’ve done this year.

Though trial and challenge you’ve triumphed, and you’ve seeded the light in new ways, creating new patterns in the energetic gridwork so more light can come onto your planet at this time.

You discovered love in unexpected places that seemed dark until you learned to turn on the lights and look around you with greater clarity and awareness of your interconnection…

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