May 2021 Akashic Magic: Progress on The Path


About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of May 2021.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

btw- for those who love to go deep, I highly recommend listening to the audio and printing this message to use as a reflection point throughout the month during your journaling & meditation time to reflect on how this energy is showing up for you.

(a kind note: if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this book, please include author & web link to honor copyright law.)

Akashic Magic: May 2021

The records opened with the words this month: “which road will you choose?”.

And I saw an image instantly that came with that; it was very playful! I saw a family that was in a minivan or a camper, and they were on a road trip, in the woods, going to a destination.

I heard - like if a little kid was sitting in the back asking - “are we there yet? We’ve been going so long!”. So, there was a sense that some of us might be feeling that right now in our individual journeys.

That’s a good place to bring me to my first question and dig into the energy a little more deeply. And the first question is:

What is the overall energy of May 2021?

May of 2021 is a choice point - it is the month each of you are going to be making choices that continue to move your journeys forward, and continue to move yourselves forward in your individual destiny.

“Do not minimize right now the impact of the choices you have and might make in your life”.

And what I’m seeing with this is the choice point feels like it might be big choices for some people; you might be going through big, massive transitions. The collective might be going through big massive transitions, but it also feels individual  -

We are encouraged to take  personal responsibility – for even the small choices on a daily basis that move us forward in the direction we want to go.

“You are carving out the path as you walk the path”.

Overall, the energy right now, feels so new. It feels so unwritten, in the sense that the future is always unwritten, but some things have been less permeable than others.

And what I feel right now is like a ‘choose your own adventure’ story where there are multiple endings. That’s what the overall energy feels like right now. The ending hasn’t been chosen yet - the script is in progress and it’s being written as it goes.

There’s this continuation of energy that the Records have been telling us about, since we went into the year 2021, that there is brand new clean energy from which to create from.

We are encouraged to continue to see ourselves as co-creators, continue to create from that new energy and understand how we thought things were going to go, might not be how they go!

“There are new possibilities coming in, there are new opportunities that are coming in for each of you” is what they are saying. “Some of those might be better than what you could have previously imagined, based on what is energetically coming through to support your planet at this time”.

So - throw out the old script, and allow yourself to write a new script based on the knowledge you already have, all while knowing that new knowledge, new insights - new epiphanies - are going to be coming in.

The choices you make right now are going to be the footsteps that help you not only create the path but open the doorway for those new choices.

The new knowledge and new opportunities that are coming will move you in the direction of being in the right place at the right time - so “don’t give up” is what they are saying right now.

How will we experience this energy collectively?

“You’re going to be doing things differently in your world, and you are already seeing that - you’ve been seeing that for a while, where the old energetic grid work of how things are, the way the system was working - there has been a breakdown in it.:

“More and more things are being done in novel ways and things are needing to be done with greater adaptation”. 

“Think on your feet” is the other phrase that just came through.

And so, as a collective, overall, many more individuals are being asked to think on their feet. They are finding that how things are going to be isn’t predictable, and collectively, all of you are running into that old adage of: you live on an unpredictable planet.

Life was never predictable in the first place!

And yet in the past, there was a slower pace to how things unfolded, a slower pace to how change often came about - where there were more pauses to breathe in between the action.

There was more time to reflect and time to integrate, and what you’re continuing to see is a speeding up of the energy that’s been taking place over the last four years or so.

The speeding up is going to continue. It doesn’t feel like it’s going to get even faster; I’m not seeing it as like it’s going to become so unmanageable, everyone is all chronically burned out all the time because they can’t keep up, but what it feels like is you can expect that things will continue to unspool at a pace that’s pretty fast.

Collectively, you will be asked to think on your feet - on behalf of each other.

What you might see with that is various governments coming to the aids of other governments or other cities, you might see things continue to shift in the geopolitical landscape.

You might see things that need to shift in terms of the environment, and new movements that come through where new groups of people or organizations come together collectively - to create something new that hasn’t been created before to offer a novel solution to a problem.

So, expect to see this continuation that you will be doing things differently, and I’m being reminded that this is consistent guidance that the Records have been giving us since we went into 2021.

This isn’t anything new, just a continuation of the energy and the continuation of the cycle that we’re in right now.

How will we experience this energy individually?

Some of you might be at a place in your journey where you feel frustration.

I’m being shown that image again of the “are we there yet?” road trip van, and things aren’t going as expected.

Maybe you’re broken down on the side of the road because you got a flat and had to call AAA to come get it.

Or you had to make an unexpected stop for the night and there’s been a delay in travel plans. There might be individual frustration - some of you might be feeling really impatient.

Some of you might be feeling a little bit like you expected things to happen quicker than they are happening right now, even though things are happening quickly.

You might have expected to have arrived at whatever arrival means for you more quickly than you have right now.

And so, the guidance individually is first of all:

“Don’t give up on yourselves, don’t give up on your journey. There’s many roads that you can take to reach your ultimate destination. There’s many paths that you can travel to move you towards what is going to be in the highest accord for each of your individual destinies”.

There’s guidance coming through asking “can you look at it with a little bit more fun and wonder?”.

Can you look at it as “wow, there’s so many ways I can build this thing, or do this thing - there’s so many outcomes, and I can rest assured in the knowledge that I’m fully supported, that Spirit has me, and I’m going to be guided towards my highest outcome on the path that will either feel the most joyful for me, or give me the highest growth that will later bring me joy”. 

You’re not making mistakes, you’re not doing it wrong; you haven’t missed a turn somewhere where you need to go back and loop around.

Nothing is irreversible here, there’s just this beautiful guidance coming through that’s encouraging us to really begin to shift our paradigm for how we think about building our futures, how we think about creating them and to bring more openness to the field of possibility.

Knowing that how our ultimate vision might come to pass and be, might look different to how we thought it would come to pass and be – there’s just that reassurance that again:

“It will be for your highest good.  You can’t miss your destiny; you can’t miss what is meant for you and you can’t miss the good things that Spirit has for you.”

So, if you can bring it back to basics this month - if you feel overwhelmed and have that sense of “are we there yet?”, and your destination feels so far away … “when I consult the road map I’ve still got a way to go” … can you bring it back to the moment?

Can you bring it back to enjoying where you are at now? Can you bring it back to appreciating the fact that you are on the road? You’re moving! You’re in the van! You are headed in the right direction.

You are making progress on your journey.

If you can bring it back to that and make each day an individual choice point, where you say “what do I need to do now?”- that is going to constructively move you forwards in the way that helps you appreciate this energy and flow with this energy with more synergy.

As opposed to fighting it, resisting it and wasting time in self-doubt, or spinning out and feeling like you are being punished; feeling that you aren’t getting it or you aren’t spiritual enough or you’ve done something wrong.

We are being asked to release those old mental stories: I just saw an image of  Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street - he said “throw it out like garbage, throw it my way and get rid of it!”.  That’s an old story.

The new story that we are writing is a story that’s being written as it goes, and so we can work with that energy more joyfully when we understand those are just the conditions that we’re creating under right now.

Energy that is shaping itself, moving itself and playfully having fun as it goes - so that is going to make things less predictable, but also there is a lot more room for creativity, and a lot more room for possibilities to unfold in ways we never expected.

That part feels joyful - if we can begin to see that being surprised is a gift, and being surprised is a joy ... “give the universe space to delight you” is what I just heard.

Give Spirit space to delight you. Give yourself space to delight yourself.

If you can stay open, there is so much more space here for new delight and new curiosity - again, ‘choose your own adventure’ where you never imagined this would be the ending to the particular adventure that you’re on.

And yet it’s so pleasing to you because you didn’t imagine it. You left room to be surprised and to work with the energy and Spirit in a creative and constructive way.


What do we need to know to constructively navigate the energies of May?

Bring it back to the fact that you are on the road. You’re in the van. And what they’re saying is “can you appreciate the minivan itself?”.

You might be tired of being in those circumstances, but you’re being contained and being held. You are being travelled forward. You have snacks in the van, you’ve got music to play. If you can appreciate the little things that offer you comfort –

If you can appreciate the things in your life that already are an anchor -  even if you are wanting to change those - if you can appreciate the small gifts of day, again, gratitude is going to help you move forward on your journey with more grace, peace and ease, then hating where you are at, resisting it or feeling trapped. 

Allow yourself to appreciate what’s already there, all while staying curious and open about the bigger possibilities that are unfolding and that are coming your way.

And they said “yes, bigger and more joyful possibilities are unfolding and they are coming your way as you continue to move through this year”.

Is there anything else the Guardians of the Records would like us to know for the month of May?

Have faith in what’s inside of you.

“Have faith in what you are feeling and have faith in the truth and visions in your heart. Have faith in your dreams. Have faith in each other. Keep the faith right now”.

This message feels like it echoes the message of “don’t give up”. Have faith.

If you can find a way to keep faith in your own journeys and to keep faith so you know you aren’t alone in the journey - many of you are out on that road right now - “you might feel disconnected from each other but so many of you are in the same van, feeling the same things” is what they are saying.

If you can know you’re not alone and use that to feel connected to the greater pattern that’s being woven right now, as each of you continues to move forward courageously, and make courageous decisions for your life, it’s going to help you feel supported and remind you that you can always rely on your spiritual connection--

You can know that you have tribe out there and that you’re moving in that direction - that’s going to allow you to keep moving forward with faith over fear.

 Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records. If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101

Loving the self-development, spiritual growth thing and want more? Feel free to pop over to my SERVICES PAGE and see my latest offerings!

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.
