Hello Friends in the Media and Press!

Speaking and leading is something that’s come naturally to me my entire life. My passion is using my voice, my words, my life wisdom, and my unique blend of warmth and whimsy to help facilitate personal transformation for others.

My background as a psychologist has made healing communication my primary career focus, and my personal transformation story has gifted me with wisdom and insights which span the psychological, spiritual, and creative realms.

There is nothing that brings more energy, passion, and vision than standing in front of an audience and inspiring others to lead more authentic lives of joy, authenticity, and deep purpose.

I love public speaking in all sorts of forums and venues: I’ve been featured on multiple podcasts, spoken at the 50th annual transpersonal psychology conference, offered a wide variety of live, online group events, and created a successful event weekend in Anchorage, Alaska where I did a book signing, gave an onstage talk on heart transformation and also ran a women’s wisdom circle.

In addition to using my voice to inspire others, I also use my writing as a vehicle for illumination. My work has been featured in numerous places including Elephant Journal, Urban Howl, Medium, Rebelle Society and Sivana East, and I enjoy doing live readings and book signings as well!

In her Lamentations Trilogy of books, Dr. BethAnne’s third book has been awarded the Bronze Award in the Enlightenment/Spirituality category of the 2021 Living Now Book Awards, recognizing this year’s best “Books for Better Living.”

Need a speaker?

I am currently available for speaking engagements. Feel free to reach out any time.



Video Speaking Samples



Topics I am interested in speaking or writing about…

  • Intuitive living and intuition development: learning to embody intuition and learn to understand and trust our intuitive self.

  • Love, loss and understanding the nature of grief and how to transform grief into light.

  • Exploring the intelligence of the heart and its innate wisdom and guidance.

  • How our soul speaks to us and guides us on our life paths.

  • Being an empath and sensitive in a modern world and learning to honor our gifts and thrive.

  • The importance of ritual, ceremony and sacred circles on our spiritual path.

  • Modern mysticism: shedding light on the akashic records, archangels, and all things spirit.

  • Shedding light on the afterlife and my experiences with my brother since he crossed over.

  • The creativity process and creating lives of sacred artistry.

  • The writing process and Q & A discussions on my books and work as an author.



Recent Guest Appearances

Read my article Mental Health: A Psychic Psychologist from the Fall 2021 issue of ‘In The Limelight with Clarissa’.



Recent Published Articles

We Are The Revolution: Choosing Love One Act At A Time

Choose love.

It is the only choice you will make that will change your life for the better forever, because love is the origin of every good thing.

5 Things About Grief You Should Know

This month of January marks two years since I lost my brother. Some days I think I’ve adjusted to this new normal in my life, and I have a sense of bittersweet grace and acceptance.

The Journey of Self-Love: Everybody’s Map Will Look Different

Mapping out the path to self-love is not something that comes with a detailed route or an instruction guide.


Media Kit


Official Bio


Dr. BethAnne K.W. (BethAnne Kapansky Wright, PsyD) is deeply passionate about inspiring authentic change in others. A Spiritual Psychologist, Intuitive Channel, Writer, Speaker and Artist, she blends the worlds of psychology and spirit to offer dynamic teaching on personal transformation. She empowers energetically sensitive souls to access and shine with their full potential, through her unique healing gifts of word magic, multidimensional wisdom, and heart-based transmissions. She is the author of the award-winning grief book, Lamentations of The Sea, and its sequels, Transformations of The Sun and Revelations of The Sky, as well as several books of poetry and a children’s book. A creative at heart, she is continually inspired by nature, color, dance, music, and all things mystical. Her life underwent profound change when she lost her brother in 2016, which became the catalyst for leaving her longtime home of Alaska and moving to the island of Kauai to live more intuitively, spiritually, and creatively.


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Past Speaking Engagements