Posts tagged truth of spirit
February Akashic Magic: Clean Breeze

The records opened this month with very similar imagery; the first thing I saw was someone sniffing a mint leaf and the distinct taste of mint came through.

The next thing I saw was an orange and a lemon being cut open, with somebody inhaling that fresh scent that comes from citrus fruits.

And the last image I saw was very similar - it was somebody standing by the ocean, and again, had their chin lifted and breathing in that ocean scent.

The words that came through were ‘clean breeze’….

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Messages from Spirit: Sacred Individuality

Your individuality is a sacred thing—given to you to support your life path and express the aspect of the divine in you, in the most joyful way possible.

Yes. We said joyful and we use this word with intention since we know many of you are products of living through a time that has experienced great karmic heaviness and energetic density.

That was then. And this is Now. And we tell you that things are lightening up now...

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Messages from Spirit: The Playful Mind

Have fun with it. Try not to take yourselves so seriously and it will be easier on you.

It is harder to get through to the serious mind, because the serious mind has a tendency to overthink and feel that have to get it right, which closes you off to your natural receptivity.

But the playful mind delights in curiosity. Like a small child looking at the world anew…

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Messages from Spirit: How Truth Feels

Hold the vision.

Hold the vision of what you’d like to see in your lives and in your world at this time. Even if you don’t know how it will happen—hold it anyways.

That is what having faith is all about. To believe without seeing. To trust what you’re sensing…

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Messages from Spirit: The Ground Up

Though we know it may appear chaos is swirling around you—trust that the soul of your planet, your world, and your country still lays intact.

What is happening right now is necessary change that may feel painful to you from a human perspective.

So, feel the pain. Let your heart’s break. You learn to move through this world whole and intact by allowing the light to shine through your cracks…

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