Posts tagged psychic psychologist
January Akashic Magic: Down to Earth

As I was opening the Records for January 2022 - the first thing I saw was as if a monster truck was up on its two back wheels, and it came back down to the Earth with this really resounding thud.

And then that was followed by a picture of being on a ride at the carnival or the fair, where you are sailing, sailing, sailing through the air - and it slows down and you come back down to the ground, so that you can exit, and step out safely.

And there is very much a sense of groundedness and focusing on being grounded…

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August 2021 Akashic Magic: The Great Reshuffle

As I was opening the records for August 2021, two distinct images came to mind that had a lot of similarities—

The first one was seeing a chessboard, where a chess game was already in play, and I saw this hand come sweeping down - it swept all the pieces to the ground, picked them up and started redistributing the pieces, resetting them and reorganizing the game.

And the words that are coming with that are ‘reshuffling’ and ‘reorganization’…

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June 2021 Akashic Magic: New Buoyancy

The records of June 2021 opened with such a fun image; first I saw children on a trampoline bouncing, and then I saw rubber balls bouncing everywhere—

There was this sense of play to the energy, a sense of buoyancy - there was a sense of bouncing.

And when you bounce, you can see things from a higher vantage point, so I am excited to dig into this a little bit more deeply and find out what June has in store for us….

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