January Akashic Magic: Down to Earth

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of January 2022.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 12-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

Akashic Records for January 2022

As I was opening the Records for January 2022 - the first thing I saw was as if a monster truck was up on its two back wheels, and it came back down to the Earth with this really resounding thud.

And then that was followed by a picture of being on a ride at the carnival or the fair, where you are sailing, sailing, sailing through the air - and it slows down and you come back down to the ground, so that you can exit, and step out safely.

And there is very much a sense of groundedness and focusing on being grounded, and that was coming through for this month as I was opening the Records.

So, with that, let me ask my first question, and that is:

What is the overall energy of January of 2022?

Alright - the phrase that is coming through is “down to Earth”.

There’s a sense that this is a month for grounding and many of you have been flying high; whether that is translated in a way that felt euphoric or joyful, fast-paced from the holiday season that many of you just finished - and many of you have been flying high in a different sense, where you have had scattered thoughts, a racing mind or a flight of ideas without the ability to really ground them or the timing hasn’t been there to ground them. 

And so there’s this sense that however flying high translates to you - January 2022 is a month of coming back down to the Earth, coming down to the ground, having a sense of being grounded and finding your stability.

I also get the sense that there is definitely a little bit of the flavour that, if you were on this ride that is flipping you upside down, and all of a sudden you slow down and step off - and now you’re just standing on the ground - it can be a little bit jarring.

So the energy might translate as jarring for some of you, but there’s a lovely sense of being anchored and being supported as each of you move through this month.

And that brings me to my next question:

 How might the energy impact us this month?

Well again, I felt that sense of being jarred - it felt a little bit sobering or somber.

Not in a bad way, not in a negative way in the least - but again, just in the idea that when you are transitioning from one way of being to another; from one energy to another.

From this kind of flight and busyness, joyful festivities that encapsulated the holiday season for many of you - or even some deep emotional undercurrents - that might not have felt joyful - and you might have felt a lot of grief, sadness or a sense of loss; there was a lot happening in the month of December.

So there is a sense that January might feel a little bit blank compared to that, and there is that sense of needing to get your bearings, needing to acclimate and say “okay, the ground underneath me has shifted and now I am walking with a new sense of gravity or a new sense of density - a new sense of energy that I didn’t have the month before”.

So it might feel a little bit jarring, “but this will be slight” is what I am hearing; this is just a slight thing, and overall, it feels like the energy will translate in a way that feels very affirming, very anchoring and very supportive for mapping out and thinking about your goals for 2022, and starting to take steps in order to create those goals.

This feels like an excellent month to get things done, and this might feel a little bit more like you are the plow horse, plodding along and getting things done - as opposed to the racehorse, who is galloping, and things are happening at this quantum speed.

It might feel a bit more like “slow and steady wins the race” which are the words I am hearing right now.

And yet, that also feels nourishing and anchoring - it feels like a good month to really connect with Earth-type energy and think about not only what seeds you are planting, but what soil are you planting them in? - and how you might like to see those things grow in the year of 2022. What practical steps might you take in January? - in order to begin to grow whatever creations each of you has in your heart to grow.

That brings me to my next question - and the question is:

 How can we most constructively navigate the month of January 2022?

Make space for the energy this month. Make space for a slower energy, make space for this idea that if December felt like it went very, very fast for many of you - January might feel like it is moving at a slower pace.

Again, I am hearing, “slow and steady wins the race”.

And so it might feel that the velocity has slowed down, and again, I’m seeing this transition from being on a zipper or some carnival ride that flips you upside down or slingshots you through the air, and then this idea that coming back down to the Earth and coming back down to the ground.

Now I’m seeing an image as if you were outside playing as a kid, and you’re called in to do your chores or do your homework, and at first it’s like “awww man! I’m having such a good time - I don’t want to do this!”

But yet once you do it, and you get it done, there’s this sense of satisfaction and completion that you crossed it off of your list. And now, you’ve opened up all this new free time to enjoy whatever you might be doing for your evening.

I’m seeing this little kid do his homework then watch ‘The Muppet Show’ or something on TV that they’d really enjoy watching.

So there’s this sense of moving with the energy, giving yourself credit for the steps you are taking and for anything you accomplish - this isn’t a time to procrastinate or put things off, it just feels like that’s going to feel very heavy, and it feels like it’s going to make things harder on us if we do that, where you don’t really enjoy yourself when you’re out there playing as you know it’s hanging over your head.

So, this feels like a month to be task-oriented and to schedule or structure time around when you’re going to do those tasks.

Then once they are done, to be like that little kid who gets to go watch an hour’s worth of TV and it feels so good, because they really earned it. Now I’m seeing them with a bowl of popcorn and a mug of cider and there’s just this sense of earning a reward.

And what I’m hearing is that it’s not about deserving self-care, or deserving the goodness of treating yourself - you’re all worth self-care and all worth treating yourself; it’s more about how it feels to balance the masculine energy of doing, getting something done and following through - with that feminine energy of self-care, nourishment, relaxation and receptivity.

And so it’s more about the balancing of energies; not a punishment or reward - it’s just about balance and working with the energy in a way that takes advantage of how grounding this month can potentially feel for each of you.

My next question is:

 Is there anything you’d like us to know about the year 2022?

Well the year of 2022 very much feels like a build year- and I’m seeing an image of a bridge in my mind.

This feels like a year that feels like it will be bridging us from where we’ve been, in terms of what we’ve been building in our lives, how we thought our life journey would go, the energy that we thought we were cultivating.

2023 feels like a year where many of us will find ourselves in a very different space then we did in 2021, so 2022 feels like a year that is going to build a bridge to that. It feels like a year of progress being made on the path, it feels like a year where you will see movement on your journeys, which is what I’m hearing.

Many of you have been feeling stuck, or many of you have been feeling really frustrated - that you thought as you stepped into just this brand new decade of 2020 - 2020 vision! - then you’ve been hit with so many different challenges, difficulties and so many things that so many of you could never see coming.

And so there’s this sense that there’s been a lot of frustration, not only a lot of feeling ‘are we there yet?’ but ‘I was ready for this to happen yesterday!’, and ‘it doesn’t even feel like it’s going to happen for another year or so! How am I going to keep my patience?’

So this is a year where you will start to see movement in some of the areas in your life, and you will start to see things come together in a way that translates to each of you as tangible steps - and tangible good things that you’re going to look at and say—

“Ah okay, I really was on the path all along! And now I’m starting to see some movement where things felt stagnant or stuck. I was beginning to question my own journey and question myself’.

However that translates, there’s a sense of optimism this year, a sense of moving forward and being able to see some building; tangible things that you manifest and tangible things that begin to come into the Earthly realm - that come into each of your worlds - that you have each been working on wanting to manifest, or wanting to create.

Alright - my last question is:

 Is there anything else you’d like us to know about January of 2022?

“Be patient with yourselves” is what I am hearing.

Looping back to what The Guardians of The Records have just said - about how frustrated many of you have been feeling - there is a sense that there’s a common theme this last year; each of you has been perhaps struggling in your own way.

And that common theme feels like personal frustration that you are not where you thought you were going to be. Or you wanted to do the thing faster. Create the thing faster. Or integrate the lesson faster, or maybe leave the relationship faster. Heal the relationship faster - or make personal changes in your life with health goals, creativity goals or work goals. Whatever that is, it’s going to look different for each of you.

There is this shared energy from humanity in general that I’m feeling in The Records, that says, “everybody’s been feeling a little bit thwarted, and a little bit beating themselves up for not having accomplished or done the thing by now, for not being further along in the path”.

And so there’s this sense of - we’ll call it ‘the collective thwarting’.

I’m seeing a thumb just pressing down on the energy and it’s just making everything slower. And so, what is coming through is—

“Be patient with yourselves. Each of you will not miss your destiny - you will not miss the good things that are planned for you. You will begin to find the pieces that you need to put into place, where you don’t feel as held back by some of the situations in your life, or some of the energies in your life. You will begin to find the creative solutions that might have been alluding to you, so you couldn’t have seen your way through. You will begin to find and see those things for yourself”.

Be patient with yourselves - each of you is still on the journey, on the path - you’ve not been forgotten and Spirit hasn’t forgotten you. You are loved, cherished and protected; there’s all this beautiful energy and affirmation that is coming through.

And then the last thing that I am hearing is to do something this month to honor that Earth-type energy. Astrologically, for those who follow, is Capricorn season - and that is Earth energy!

I’m seeing this literal picture of pressing our hands against the Earth, or the soil, and if soil isn’t available to you because you live in an Arctic climate - I’m seeing where you maybe buy a plant and press your palms into that soil.

Somehow working with Earth energy - working with something; even if it is as simple as buying yourself a plant or if that’s not possible, looking at a picture of trees and just really trying to be in that energy of looking outside and trying to connect with the Earth - ask her how she is feeling. Ask Mother Gaia, ask the Earth, “how are you doing today?”. And then just listen in your heart and see if there are any messages for you.

I’m just seeing this invitation to connect with the planet at this time - connect with the Earth’s energy and there’s this beautiful symbiosis that Mother Earth wants to support us and support that very grounded energy, and then when we connect with her, we give back to her through the gratitude in our hearts with the appreciation of her, through the love of her - so that’s very healing for the energy of the ecosystem at this time.

So, there's this beautiful equitable Earthen exchange that can happen, and that’s amplified and always available to each of you - but it is extra amplified this month and where the energy is at.

Alright, that feels very complete. And with that, I will just say thank you to the Guardians Of The Records - thank you for all the beautiful wisdom that showed up, and Happy New Year everybody!

Here’s to a beautiful 2022!

Namaste. Amen and Blessed Be.

Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you about what’s in store in 2022, you can find more about Akashic Record Readings HERE.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.