August 2021 Akashic Magic: The Great Reshuffle

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of August 2021.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

  1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

  2. The audio usually runs 12-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

  3. For those who love to go deep, I highly recommend listening to the audio and printing this message to use as a reflection point throughout the month during your journaling & meditation time to reflect on how this energy is showing up for you.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

Akashic Records for August 2021

As I was opening the records for August 2021, two distinct images came to mind that had a lot of similarities—

The first one was seeing a chessboard, where a chess game was already in play, and I saw this hand come sweeping down - it swept all the pieces to the ground, picked them up and started redistributing the pieces, resetting them and reorganizing the game.

And the second image that immediately came was very similar to that; I saw a box of a board game, the contents were shaken out onto the table and everything was falling out.

I saw this box being really disorganized with the pieces not in the right compartments, and the cards were mixed up, and I’m watching someone right now (as I’m saying this) sort through it, and put everything back into its proper location.

And the words that are coming with that are ‘reshuffling’ and ‘reorganization’.

From that, we will move into our first question: 

What is the overall energy of August of 2021?

The words that are coming through are “The Great Reshuffle”. 

The overall energy of August 2021 is a month of reshuffling. And what you need to understand with this energy is that this is not a sense of reshuffling a card deck, where you are tossing cards out, and saying “I don’t need this, I don’t need this, and I don’t need this”.

Both of the images that the Records opened with, the chessboard and the board game, all of the pieces - for both of those - were preserved, they were kept. But the energy around it was putting it back in its place, and making sure everything felt very clear and very organized. 

This idea of reshuffling is less about sorting through, cord cutting, tossing things out and letting go of things - you have done that work - that was part of the work you did in the first half of 2021, “each of you did a lot of individual soul searching on your journey”.

This is less about this, and it's more about understanding that this is the month where you are going to be taking the pieces that are left, taking the pieces that you have continued to deem necessary for the journey that’s in front of each of you, and playing around with them, resetting them in a way that feels like they are lined up for where you are going next. 

How is that energy likely to show up in our lives?

Again, this is a month about aiming your arrow true. 

As I’m saying that I’m seeing an image of an archer and they are taking an arrow, drawing it and looking at the bullseye in front of them - measuring the breeze, measuring the distance; doing all the things that a talented archer might know to do, in order to best line it up to sail as straight as possible. 

And that’s the individual energy for this month—

That you have been consistently launching yourselves in varying degrees throughout the year of 2021 - this has come in ebbs and flow; sometimes you have felt like you have been launching more than others.

Sometimes you’ve had to go back to the launchpad after what felt like a failed attempt, or where you didn’t quite get to where you wanted to go and you are asked to reassess and check back in with engine management; in this metaphor I’m seeing a rocket ship where you are rechecking the control panels after a simulation, again you’re recalibrating and making sure everything is in maximum alignment. 

So you have been doing that throughout the course of 2021, and this month feels like now you’ve gotten it right, now you have all the pieces in place, now you know exactly where you want to go, you’re at least a lot closer to the target then where you might have been nine months back.

And this month feels like a month where you are getting very clear, getting very organized and preparing to launch yourself in new ways as you move into September 2021 and beyond. 

Each of you might expect to see this month a methodical assessment of where you’re at—

I’m seeing you make a strategy, make a list, do things like goal setting and write out step by step, ‘how am I going to do it?’ and again, I’m seeing a general over a map, in a war or a battle and they’re moving tactical pieces around this map, looking at “well, what if we came in and flanked them from the right?” or “what if we did it this way - what would happen if we did this?”. 

There’s a sense of intelligent calculation this month, and that doesn’t feel bad - calculation is sometimes a word that can have a little bit of a connotation to it, but this feels like using our innate intelligence in order to say—

“How can I move forward in a way that is not haphazard or chaotic, but in a way that feels clear, organized and in keeping with what I know about my journey, and what I know about the direction I want to go in?”. 

So you might expect this month to be a month where you might literally feel called to do things like grounding tasks, housekeeping tasks or clearing things out in order to feel more prepared.

This might be a month where you make lists, reach out to somebody or you begin to build the foundation of how you are going to move yourself forward - this is going to play out differently for each of you, but this feels like a month of practical steps and taking baby steps; steps that are taken with intelligence and steps that are taken with your endgame or your ultimate target in mind. 

How can we work constructively with the energy this month?

“Allow yourself the gift of taking those steps”.

So often there is a dismissal of not being exactly where you want to be, and yet, at this time, there has been so much shifting energy that where you wanted to be nine months back, and where you want to be now, has changed for many of you. 

For some of it’s changed entirely in ways that have completely surprised you, in others it’s changed in more subtle ways.

But what you wanted in January of 2021 versus what you want right now, it’s different - and so the guidance coming through is “don’t dismiss the power of practical steps”. 

Don’t dismiss the power of creating a tangible goal in the earthly realm and doing what you need to do to move toward that goal; even if it doesn’t take you to your ultimate goal where you ultimately want to be.

Don’t dismiss the power because small steps add up and continue to create the path where you’re going to go. 

It also feels like as each of you takes those steps, you’re going to continue to learn more about yourself, you’re going to continue to understand your journey in deeper ways and you’re going to begin to see the others who are taking steps in alignment with you; the people that you are meant to come together with at this time, whether that is in the short term or whether this is a long term collaboration, relationship or project.

But you will see who else is stepping in the right direction, so that you can continue to move forwards on your individual journey, but continue to move forwards as a collective as well. 

How can we best continue to love humanity forwards at this time?

Again, this comes back to the idea that as you are focusing on your bullseye where you are wanting to move, as you step, you will also be looking around and seeing the other people who are moving in that same direction who have the same general target as you.

It won’t be your target, but they will be moving towards the same things that you care about; the same consciousness, the same things that you know will help humanity at this time.

So, you are meant to find those like-hearted souls, and you are meant to look around and see who  is moving in a compatible direction right now. 

What I’m hearing to the answer to this question, about loving humanity forwards at this time, is this very simple wisdom:

It’s really about doing what you feel called to do and looking around and finding the complimentary people who are able to create with you, who are able to help add to that, and looking around and seeing who’s already doing this over here, and “how might I be able to add or compliment that if they are in need of a helping hand?”.

The bigger, or more playful metaphor that’s coming through to make this very simple for all of us is: if a giant company picnic was going to be thrown for a huge company, and it was meant to be something where everybody showed up, you would have a sign-up list.

They might have twenty people who are signing up to bring the entrees and within the entrees, it might be broken down into meat dishes, pasta dishes, vegetarian dishes - there would be somebody volunteering to work the grill, there would be side dishes, and within those side dishes they would be broken down into all sorts of things: tuna casserole to a veggie tray.

There would be desserts - and again those desserts would be broken down into multiple categories. And there would be people to bring decorations and people needed to bring plates, people needed to bring forks and cups - and everybody's efforts would be needed, in order to create this greater collaboration that felt successful, fun and ran with as much grace and ease as possible.

If you can remember that you are contributing to the greater whole, and that your contribution matters (whether or not it seems big enough in the face of the difficulties or challenges your modern day world faces), if you can remember that what you’re doing is actually bringing a significant light to the planet - and is making a significant contribution - it’s going to keep you in the energy of hope, collaboration and cheering each other on, and realizing that all hands are needed.  

For example, in this metaphor of this giant barbeque, you could have the best food in the world - the most wonderful food - and if nobody’s signed up to bring paper plates and you had nothing to eat from, nothing to create a plate out of where you could take a little bit of everything and make this really pleasing platter - that really just allowed you to just enjoy your favourite foods that were there - if you didn’t have that, it would be really messy!

It would be everybody dipping into the same dishes; it would not work!

So there’s this beautiful wisdom that’s coming through of just remembering that we are working into the greater ecosystem, feeding into the greater ecosystem of one another and all efforts are needed.

They’re all important contributions on the planet at this time and as long as you keep doing that, that is how you keep loving humanity forwards during these times of transformation and times of shifting possibilities. 

Is there anything else that the Guardians of the Records would like us to know for the month of August of 2021?

I just heard this little, really playful, “take a little time to chill out”.

And what this feels like is, despite the fact that it came through playfully, the bigger energy that I’m sensing is this exhortation:

“All of you have been working so hard. So many of you tend to be effort orientated, product orientated and wanting to be there - still struggling to appreciate the journey and to take in those moments of being mindful, being present and just being, receiving and allowing.”

I’m seeing somebody just floating down a stream, being fully supported by the water and knowing that the moment of just being, and being in receptivity, is absolutely enough. 

So, don’t let the practical steps this month - and this energy of reshuffling and resetting yourselves (that aligns your arrow to shoot forward with power as you move forwards into September and beyond) - don’t let that be the dominant energy of the month.

Let it be the energy that compliments states of receptivity, states of being, taking time to refill and renourish - replenish yourself - this is what it is to live in balance, this is what it is to live in harmony with your masculine and your feminine, your yin and your yang; your activity and your receptivity.

You can continue to receive the energy this month by making space for receptivity, and in those spaces of receptivity, you are going to feel more filled back up,  so when you do sit down with that piece of paper and you mark out “your battle plan” (they are saying that playfully - going back to that image of the general moving figurines around the map) - when you do map that out, you feel filled up and ready.

It feels like you have what you need to do that in a way that is going to feel joyful to you.

Take a little time to chill - this is higher guidance you guys! You cannot beat that! :)

With that, this feels really complete, and I thank everybody who joined me for this month’s Akashic Magic of the month August 2021, and ask that we can take this information into our hearts, and use whatever we need for the highest good. 

I will see everybody in September for a new round of Akashic Magic - in the meantime have an amazing month of August!

Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101

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Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.