May Akashic Magic: Comfort and Healing

May of 2024, the Akashic Records opened with some interesting images this month.

First, I heard the dinging of an oven in my mind and I had an image of freshly baked rolls coming out of the oven. And it was this really homey kitchen dinner was on the table. There was this feeling right about when you're going to sit down for a really good meal. And it was great outside.

So it felt very warm and very cozy. And the energy itself felt grounded. It felt comforting. There was a sense of consolation and healing and just coming into this beautiful grounded energy…

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April Akashic Magic: Look Up

The Records opened for the month of April with a sense of everybody gazing upwards. And this came through and multiple ways. 

First, I saw a big starry sky, and I saw someone standing and they were looking up. Then I saw an air show, and there were all these planes in the sky. And they were doing loops and tricks. And again, everybody in the audience had their gaze captured upwards.

And I saw the words “look up” and very much had a sense of upward motion, and stars and being drawn towards things that feel higher and more spiritual, intuitive and awe inspiring this month. 

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March Akashic Magic: What Is To Come

March of 2024, the Records opened with the sound of ice breaking.

And what I saw was an image of thick ice that had cracked, and there was a gap and there was water flowing below. The focus was on the water - not so much on the breaking - it was on what was underneath the surface. 

And the energy around all of this was very much on what has been going on underneath the surface, and seeing with more clarity, the transformation in some of the metamorphosis that has been taking place…

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February Akashic Magic: Energy Boost

All right, February of 2020 already feels like a burst of fresh energy. And as I was opening the Records, I had several images coming all at once. 

The first one was somebody biting into like a really juicy and tangy orange. And it was really refreshing, like, on a hot day, or when you're really thirsty or something like that. And it just hits the spot. 

And I also had a sense of like a clean breeze coming through, I had a lot of of energy, almost like a big shot of vitamin C or something like that, something that revitalizes somebody, and I had an image of sea salt, air and ocean waves. 

And the focus of the imagery was really on the senses with a sense of inspiration and a sense of like an energy boost…

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Out With the Old, In With the New: Journaling Prompts and Perspectives on Cyclical Living

We all know the old saying when one door closes, another one opens.

But the process of what happens between an ending and beginning might not always feel so simple.

While the title of this blog is meant as a playful nod to the freshness of the new year and the blank page feels of January, it’s not quite accurate when it comes to matters of personal growth.

“Transforming the Old, Creating the New, and Integrating All that Falls In Between,” would be a more apt, but rather wordy designation of this article.

That is what cyclical living is truly about: embracing the fact that we live in a world of constant change and dynamic movement where life is in a perpetual state of transformation and creation mixed with a lot of integration in between…

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January Akashic Magic: The Lay of The Land

All right, January of 2024 -  as I was opening the Records, I had a convergence of images that was happening at once.

And the first one was almost like if trumpets were announcing somebody, and this red carpet was being rolled out. And everybody was staring like, “what's going to happen?, what's going to come? who's going to be walking down that red carpet?”, so there was this sense of anticipation. 

And the last one I saw felt like a metaphor of the story of Noah and the Ark. I think after the rain stops, and things got really quiet, they see like a dove coming with a sprig meaning that land is nearby, and there's a rainbow.

And I saw this sense of calming after the storm, and the energy felt anticipatory…

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Self-Care During the Holiday Season (a gentle perspective shift)

If there’s something about this season that doesn’t work for you, then gently think about how you could create your own forms of magic, reverence, and meaning this December.

How can you be a good friend to yourself and witness your journey? How might you create your own ritual or tradition around whatever holds meaning for you? How might you set a monthly intention that resonates with the visions you hold in your heart?

Small moments of meaning create a bigger composition of living in a way that feels authentic, real, and true to ourselves, and that is always meaningful...”

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December Akashic Magic: Celebrate and Be Upheld

December of 2023, the Records opened with so many different positive images that were coming through. 

First, I saw someone laying in a hammock that was strong up between two palm trees, and it was just gently swaying in the breeze. And there was a sense of a lull in energy, a sense of being held, and a sense of being supported that came with that. 

And I also had a sense of Safari vacation holiday with this energy of having an adventure. And I saw the words “write your own adventure, choose your own adventure, writing a new chapter” and an image of somebody with binoculars and a backpack on their back.

There was this really fun; a delightful sense of Safari-type energy and adventure, and it feels really positive...

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Got Gratitude? (a few ideas for cultivating appreciation)

We often think of November as a month to focus on being grateful.

Many of us celebrate Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving and the beginning of the holiday season with the intention to gather together with gratitude in our hearts and appreciation for the abundance in our lives.

As we move into the holidays, we are presented with many opportunities to slow down, reflect, appreciate life’s gifts, and tap into the energy of gratitude in our lives.

It can be hard though—the gratitude thing. I often think that despite our best intentions, it’s easy to fall out of gratitude and into focusing on stress, all that feels wrong in the world, and whatever we feel is lacking in our lives…

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Grace, Growth and Gratitude: lessons on the journey

It’s a cooler day on the island and I’ve found myself in a varied place as we step through November.

Busy with responsibilities, in a way that feels productive and kind. Thoughtful with reflection, as I begin to do what I always do around this time each year –

Slowly take stock of what the past eleven months have brought and contemplate the changes rendered as we begin the initial stages of descent drawing us closer to the conclusion of another calendar year.

Truth be told, I haven’t always liked the lessons the past couple of years have brought, but I am trying to embrace and integrate them, so I can move forward with the wisdom learned…

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November Akashic Magic: To See By Candlelight

All right, November of 2023, the Records opened with multiple images.

The first one is that I saw an individual who was holding an old-fashioned candle, kind of a candle and a candle stick, and they were walking through a dark room. And I saw the words ‘to see by candlelight’ which flashed in my mind when I saw that image. 

And then the next thing that I saw was an image of a diver down at the bottom of the ocean. And they were excavating - they were doing some kind of digging - and searching for something.

And I saw the words ‘buried treasure’…

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October Akashic Magic: Shifts in Perception & Direction

The Records opened for October with some very interesting imagery, the first thing that I saw was a waterwheel cranking in one direction, and it was forced to come to almost a complete stop and reverse directions and start going the other way.

And I saw other images that were very similar to that, of some sort of a wheel or something that had been set into forward motion, stopping suddenly, and going in reverse along with a car on a road all the sudden realizing “oh, I need to go back and pull a U-turn”. 

And energy coming through that felt like moving one way and then moving another entirely. And it felt like a shift in perception might be coming to us…

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September Akashic Magic: Grounded Actions, Strategic Steps

“All systems go” is what I'm hearing. And there is a sense that with that, there have been many shifts and changes for many of those listening to this throughout the year of 2023.

And I'm almost seeing these images of columns, like if it was a graphic in a video game, or something like that - it's like it’s coming through like Tetris, and you have been trying to stack blocks or do something in a way that adds up. And all of a sudden, all this space is cleared -

I'm feeling a sense of breakthrough coming through…

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August Akashic Magic: Heightened Intuition

Prior to opening the Records, I had some really interesting images start coming through. Different than anything I've channeled for Akashic Magic before.

The first thing I saw was this very starry sky. Like if you were just gazing upward, and you were looking at the Milky Way.

This individual standing up and just staring at the stars and staring at this nebula and all these stars up in the sky…. and I saw the words ‘heightened intuition’, ‘intuitive awareness’, and ‘inner knowing’…

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July Akashic Magic: Revolutions

The first thing that I saw when I opened the Records for July of 2023, was a sense of revolving wheel.

And it was spinning really fast like a tire revolving, and I saw the word ‘revolutions’.  

I also had this sense of a calendar page turning, and I saw the card 10 in the tarot deck, the wheel of fortune, and I kept seeing multiple shapes and images of Zodiac wheels, calendar wheels and motion.

There was this sense of moving into a new cycle, and a turning of the wheel…

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June Akashic Magic: To Turn The Lights On

The Records for June of 2023, opened with a sense of very bright sunlight, or very bright light streaming through - it felt shockingly bright.

And this felt like as if you had been in a dark cave or in a room of darkness for a while, and all of a sudden, you stepped out into the daylight and the sun is hitting your eyes, it’s both dazzling, it’s glaring, it's beautiful. It's also a little bit jarring. And that was the opening image as the Records were opening up.

And the words that were coming through as I was opening the Records were “illumination” and “to turn the lights on”…

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May Akashic Magic: Earth Movement, Personal Power

This feels like a month of quite a bit of movement. And what I was seeing as the Records opened was a sense of the earth shifting below our feet.

And almost as if the earth shifted, or a cartoon-type tidal wave - I saw this as a cartoon - kind of picks us up, we're in the ocean, and it moves us somewhere, and I saw us being safely deposited to the shore.

There was a sense of being picked up and carried and deposited and finding ourselves on new ground. And the words that came through for the month of May (that followed those images) were “Earth movement”…

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April Akashic Magic: New Horizon

As I was opening the Records for the month of April of 2023 - there were several different images coming through.

First, I saw a calm, clear and glassy sea. And there were birds that were flying over the air. And the sense of the scene was that a storm had recently cleared.

And so, there was this sense of clearing and clean air and freshness. And that idea that you get when something has been chaotic, or frantic, and stills, and you have a moment to pause and look around and kind of assess what happened. And where are we now…

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March Akashic Magic: Point of View

As I opened the Records and felt the energy this month, it was this juxtaposition of movement.

And I saw being in a simulator ride, and the ride and the seats move you back and forth and up and down. And it's designed to make you feel like you're experiencing that. In reality, you're just in this little simulator.

And so there was this sense of movement and things happening around us. And yet at the same time focusing on the individual who is like “I'm just on a ride right now, I'm buckled into my seat, I am fine”…

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Navigating Spiritual Awakenings

A spiritual awakening could also be called a disruption of consciousness, or an awakening of consciousness. 

Imagine that you have a certain view in which you see the world, that has developed over time by what you’ve been taught, what you understand to be true, and what you have experienced for yourself.

In a sense, you might think of this as anchoring yourself to the things that feel true for you and certain. When we anchor to ourselves to things that feel certain for us - without even knowing that we're doing it - we have created a set point that helps center us.… 

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