Working with Signs Symbols & Archetypes


Recently I taught a class on signs, symbols and archetypes where we explored how to work with signs to strengthen our intuitive knowing and spiritual connection. 

We talked about how we need to open ourselves to receiving guidance in this form, so we are actually paying attention when the guidance shows up.

We talked about how interpreting signs is where many of us get stuck, because we want to know what something means instantly, instead of allowing the meaning to unfold and inform us.

Quick note: sometimes signs can be instant.

For example, if I ask the angels for confirmation on a choice and I notice the number 22 or 222 keeps showing up (a number which means things are moving in a divine order)—that’s a pretty clear-cut response that I would take as confirmation.

But often, especially with bigger life picture stuff, signs come together and begin to build off of each other.

For example, the other night in a dream I dreamed I was wearing emerald earrings, then later in the dream I was drawn to a blue topaz stone in a jewelry shop.

The appearance of two gems in one dream felt highly significant, so I know it has meaning for me.

But what does it mean? I haven’t quite worked it out yet, so what I’ve done is made note of my dream in my journal and I’ll be deep diving into the meaning of both gems.

Researching their healing properties. Thinking about how those words and energies connect to where I’m at in my life right now.

And being in a space of playful discovery as I work with these signs both actively working to delve into the deeper meaning, while staying open to exploring why they showed up.

Now back to what I was saying several paragraphs ago—interpretation is not about being black or white, right or wrong, it is about working with signs from a space of curiosity, openness and play as we ask ourselves—

Why is this showing up in my life right now? What might this mean? How does this connect to other signs, intuitions, inner visions, and/or any other sensory experiences and external events that all work together to inform our intuitive knowing, helping us see the bigger picture out of disparate parts.

The fun thing about all of this, is the more we are open to receiving signs and building a relationship with certain signs, the more we interact with the pattern of the universe and make space for more synchronicity in our lives.

And—this is one of my favorite parts—we get to work with the pattern and begin to ask for signs in a way that might feel meaningful to us.

For example, it is 10:33 as I write these words. 33 is a number that often represents higher realms of spiritual consciousness, which feels like a pretty magical blessing for this article!

Another example: earlier in the week was one of those days. The kind where things felt chaotic, messy, and wtf is going on.

I needed some energetic and spiritual support and I was assertive in saying so knowing that while support is always there, when we ask and tell spirit what we need, even more support and guidance can show up.

As if we’re empowering the universe to amplify the spiritual support we already have.

I needed amplification, and here’s a few ways that showed up for me.

  1. I found a penny in the seat of my car (a sign I associate with my brother Brent).

  2. I moved through traffic with grace and ease and had no problem making the left-hand turns, across busy traffic, that cause me stress (tiny note—I asked the angels as I got in my car to help clear traffic patterns for me and they showed up and did so.)

  3. I took a walk on the beach and my gaze was drawn to the shifting clouds, which reminded me change and transition is part of life, and we can use our connection with the natural world to anchor ourselves in times of change.

  4. I spent some time journaling and working with cards, whose imagery and messages brought me back to myself and the heart of my truth.

  5. I kept seeing the number 1 and 11 which reminded me that I am planting new seeds in my life right now (the energy of 1 is about new beginnings, new seeds) and that it’s all part of my divine destiny – spiritual path (the energy of 11 is usually tied to spiritual awakening and growth).

The support was there, and I was able to notice it, because I was paying attention. Because I was asking and open to receiving guidance. Because I deepened my understanding of the signs showing up through my own discovery practice of intuitive cards time and writing.

This support is here for all of us! Spirit is your friend and wants you to feel your own delicious connection to all that is.

10:44 as I write these last words (44 is a number associated with angelic support!)

Feels like the right note to end on!

Here’s to receiving, believing, and seeing the magical things that begin to show up in our lives when we ask, open and pay attention.

Want to learn more about symbols and signs? Here’s the link to the recent Live I did! LIVE VIDEO.

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Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.
