Reading Energy ( a few how-to's)


Recently I felt inspired to make an off the cuff list of all the ways we learn to read energy, and I created this post to share this list.

But first, a tiny tutorial:

Reading Energy 101

If you’re wondering what it means to learn to read energy, then the easiest way to think of it is the act of learning to tune into, translate and decipher the messages from the spiritual, energetic, ethereal, and natural realms, and how those inform and intersect with our heart wisdom and intuition.

There are a zillion ways to do this, but for example one might read energy through turning into the wisdom of the natural cycles; receiving and interpreting the signs, symbols or dreams showing up in your life; trusting your inner feelings, perceptions and knowings; working with divination tools and intuitively sensing the next step on your path—even when you can’t see the bigger picture.

Here’s a quick personal example:

1)      It is the new moon in Aquarius as I write this post. To me the energy of this new moon represents setting intentions, envisioning new ways of doing things, and planting the seeds I want to see in the next cycle. It’s a great time for manifestation and beginning a new project.

2)      I keep seeing the number 2 everywhere (including the fact that February is the 2nd month). Two represents things coming together and moving in the right direction, but not a completion of a cycle. Two is a build number that says, “you’re on the right track, keep going, it’s not quite time for things to come to fruition.”

3)      Staying with the two theme, my tarot card of the month is the 2 of Stones. This card represents transitioning from one season to the next and trusting the emerging energies.

4)      What does all this mean? When I blend all of this guidance together, along with my own inner knowing and perceptions that have been telling me big expansion is coming, but not quite yet (feels like April, May is the time tbh) I can read the energy to understand and receive the guidance:

I am moving in the right direction, but I am still in transition. The seeds I’m planting now will blossom, but not quite yet. I am guided to stay patient when I get anxious, trust the emerging energies, and work with the energy of this moon to creatively hold the vision of what I wish to manifest.

Okay, now that you get an idea of what I’m talking about, let’s talk about that list I mentioned back at the beginning!

In no particular order (this list was intuitively guided), here’s a few thoughts on the ways we can learn how to read and interpret energy:

  • Through learning to see with the eyes of our hearts.

  • Through tapping into our feelings, perceptions, and sensations.

  • Through staying with our emotions and exploring them so we understand their deeper wisdom.

  • Through receiving and interpreting the signs and symbols showing up in our lives.

  • Through accessing and learning about the magical doorways available to us (i.e., moon cycles, star charts, oracle cards, the Akashic Records, angelic guidance, and working with the animal, crystal, and plant beings)

  • Through practicing harmonizing our hearts to love, peace, and joy so we can more clearly hear their wisdom.

  • Through tuning into our body, developing awareness, and learning to see our bodies as intuitive instruments.

  • Through educating ourselves on spiritual energies, so we expand our consciousness and increase our awareness of energy.

  • Through learning to value the intuitive self and mystical mind and hold them in as high regard as our logical mind.

  • Through understanding and working with our sleep dreams, heart dreams and daydreams.

  • Through understanding the rich world of myths and archetypes, so we understand the collective wisdom of the stories woven into our world.

  • Through treating nature as our friend and staying open to receiving her messages.

  • Through holding the vision we have for our lives, tending to our vision, and seeing how the universe responds to our intentions and envisioning.

  • Through practice. Experiencing energy for yourself. Staying curious and observing your own journey. And noticing just how supported you actually are, when you look at the whole of your journey.

I could keep going and going with this list (I LOVE talking about this stuff), but I think this gives you a good starting point.

When we learn to embrace the principles above, I believe we become treasure hunters and soul archeologists who learn to see the world through magical eyes, keep a sense of discovery, and find spiritual gems in our everyday existence that remind us we are not alone on the journey.

As we learn to trust in the things we feel within us, but cannot always see, as we learn to surrender to the process with greater patience and trust that we are being led, as we learn to cue into meaningful synchronicity and build our spiritual connection—

We begin to develop the vocabulary of our soul and learn to read the energy showing up in our lives….

And hopefully have A LOT of fun playing Scooby Doo with the mysteries of the cosmos in the process. 😊

If you want to learn more about the Akashic Records, you can read or listen to a transmission about the records from the records themselves for further illumination: Understanding the Akashic Records.

Want your monthly scoop of wisdom from the Akasha? Feel free to sign up for my free monthly offering Akashic Magic, where you’ll get a monthly update on the energy for the upcoming month straight to your inbox.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.
