Moving in The Direction of Love


I woke up this morning with a heart who grew heavy when I saw the headlines and reports of more rioting and violence in the United states of America.

The household was quiet—for once I managed to sneak out of the bedroom without waking the cat or the dog (both who can be quite high needs first thing in the morning), made myself a cup of coffee, and sat down on my meditation pillows as I contemplated life and watched night’s dark sky begin to streak with dawn’s silvers and grays.

I lit candle. Burned a little juniper. Put my hand on my heart, opened myself to spirit and said:

Help me. Help me wrap my mind around this. Help me empathically separate my thoughts and feelings out of the collective angst I feel. Help me know what to do. Help me know how to help. Help guide us and help guide me.

The response was immediate:

Doing the right thing for you doesn’t have to be about making somebody else wrong.

Making others wrong doesn’t make you right. Throw out the right. Throw out the wrong. Throw out the judgment and the labels. You must learn to see beyond sides.

Ask yourself instead—is this loving? And is this loving? How about this? Then do that. Do what is loving and move in the direction of love.

This is the only way to create a compass of truth that will help you navigate the troubled waters going on with your planet and in your country right now.

If you feel lost, seek and ask Love to reveal itself to you. Pause and wait and call on Love. If it’s not loving, then it’s not coming from a place of truth.

This is how you learn to distinguish the truth—

Does it make you feel more open? Does it make you feel more connected? Does it make you feel more free-- even if being free challenges you to take a hard step?

If it doesn’t leave you open, if it doesn’t leave you connected to your fellow human beings, if it causes fear and doubt in your heart---it is not coming from a place of love’s truth.

Truth will never enslave you. Truth will never conquer you. Truth will never subjugate you.

Truth will not ask you to hate another for truth is love and love is truth, so when you move towards truth you are moving towards love. And when you move towards love you move towards truth.

This we say to you—this we impress upon you: 

Do not make others wrong to make yourself right. This it the surest way to give fear a foothold and to create division. Instead ask yourself—

Does this feel loving? Does this feel in my heart like the right step to take? Does this feel like it is moving me closer to my fellow humans, closer to the heart of the earth, or does it feel like it is moving me farther away?

Step towards as often as you can. Step towards each other, not away. Learn to see beyond parties and agendas—see the human instead. See the voice. See the story.

The more you see each other in your humanness, your voice, your stories—the more you will know what is right to do and what is right to do will always move you towards the direction of love.

And love of the highest order, will always seek to free, so that all beings maybe be alive and free in love.

I sat with this wisdom for a while, thought about the depth of this wisdom, and then I asked the question—

But how can I learn to see beyond sides?

It felt like an impossible task in the moment, but I have found that the universe delights in unraveling the most complex riddles in the simplest ways, and the answer came to me immediately:

Learn from mother nature. Learn from your animal friends. Learn from the plants and the trees and the sky and the seas. Allow the earth to be an example for she has no sides and freely gives to all.

Then I asked—what is the most loving thing I can write about and share in this month’s Intuitive YOU?

What came through my heart was to be authentic. To share my process. Share my grappling. Share these words my heart received this morning, so that others can reflect on what it means to them to move in the direction of love.

I write that knowing this is going to look a little different for each of us, because we are each on a unique soul journey, and so where we may feel guided to travel might not be where another is guided to travel, and that is okay.

We don’t need to judge each other— we just need to keep making space for one another to take the journey. Just like the earth does for us.

We just need to keep learning how to dial into the compass of our own heart so we can cut through the voices of fear and find our inner truth and guidance.

We just need to learn how to listen to love, so we develop discernment over judgment and the courage to make choices that feel in alignment with our heart’s truth.

I almost made it to 8:00 without the family stirring—an unheard-of thing around our house, where the early morning light and choruses of roosters usually wake us up before 7:00, if not earlier.

It feels like this time was divinely inspired and set aside to feel, receive, and write these words.

Words that I hope help you find what you need to keep navigate these challenging times in a way that holds authentic, true and loving for you.

As for me, I will continue to keep soul searching, asking myself how I can keep being a better human to my fellow human’s on the planet, asking myself how I can keep learning to be like the earth and see with my heart beyond sides—

And listening to my heart’s guidance, so I can keep doing my best to make choices that move me in the direction of love.

May all beings be alive and free in love.

Vision Statement:

It felt important to take a moment and say: I remain committed to a world that IS alive and free in love. I remain committed to keeping this a safe space for others to come and learn about intuitive living, personal spirituality and heart wisdom. I remain committed to doing my best to stay in integrity with myself and others by continuing to listen to my heart, listen and learn from others, pray for our world, educate myself on areas I need to grow, and do my work, which includes doing pro-love | anti-racism work, educating myself, unpacking my biases, and staying accountable to my community. For anyone looking to do the same, I have found Leesa Renee Hall to be a wonderful resource for highly sensitive people who wish to explore their bias.

I value all of us in the richness of our diversity, but it absolutely needs to be said—

I value black lives, and I am committed to staying present, staying open, listening, learning, loving, praying, and being an ally.

In deep respect and love,
