Messages from Spirit: Return to The Garden


Rest. Each one of you. And be in this moment.

And now this one. And this one.

Feel how perfectly loved and held you are.

Cradled and cared for like a rare rose in an exquisitely tended garden filled with nourishment, life, and sunlight. Upheld by the earth and her helpers from the elemental, crystal, and mineral kingdom.

That is how supported you are. That is how precious you are. This is how divinely guided you are.

You are the rare rose tended to with the upmost care by teams of light beings who love you and wish you nothing but the brightest life.

Let yourself be held. Let yourself be supported.

Return to your garden when you need to ground. Return in your heart and we’ll meet you there. In the rose garden of your heart with words of encouragement and support of light.

This is how you anchor in these times. This is who you ground in to love. This is how you maintain your sanity in the seemingly insane.

In here (image of a hand touching their heart).

When you need help- call on us for help.

When you need peace- call on us for peace.

And when you need to remember you are not alone, come back to the garden in your heart, and we will meet you there.

{Note: Messages from Spirit is an offering I started on my blog to share some of the channeled messages I receive through my spiritual connection. Channeling is simply communicating with aspects of divine consciousness, and I do my best to write the messages down exactly as they come through. I always find the words inspiring, uplifting, and perspective shaping, and I’ve decided to include some of them on my site for the edification of others, as I feel called to share. This particular message came through for a moon circle I recently led.}

For more on angel communication you may enjoy my post: The Blessings Are Coming.

For more on moon circles you may enjoy my post: Sacred Circles.
